Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 25

Challenge: Work with nature.  Go to your yard or nearby park and collect materials to work with.

Today's challenge is right up my alley!  I looked around my place for inspiration and found a small green bowl.  Aha, I could make a little terrarium!  I've seen some really cute ones in a shop made by a local artist and on a few other blogs and really wanted to try my hand at one.

So I gathered some grass and a few clippings of old growth from a pine tree outside my apartment.  I put a small chunk of cotton batting in the bottom of the bowl to make a higher surface to work with, glued in some of the grass and pine chunks, a Lego wookie, and here's the result:

Some of the cotton batting is still visible, but I wasn't super concerned about craftsmanship and presentation for my first terrarium.  And you know what?  I don't think it's a true terrarium since it doesn't have a glass enclosure, but I still wanted to share my inspiration and line of thought.  Here's a closer view:

Can you find the wookie in this picture?

Hey, guess what?  There's a wiki out there called Wookieepedia!  I discovered it a few years ago when I was trying to find a specific Star Wars quote.  I love how totally whiny Luke Skywalker is when he delivers the line.

Also, my sister/roommate found some Legos, so I am totally gonna try to work them into a project this week.  Huzzah!  

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