Sunday, August 28, 2011

Challenge 43

I did a lot of creative things this weekend!  I stayed inside with my sister and the kitties and tried out some new projects, just kinda seeing what's possible with the materials that I have right now rather than going out and purchasing anything new.  This tied very well into the next challenge, number 43: Learn something new.  Ask a friend to help you do something using a technique or skill they're good at.

I didn't so do much of the "ask a friend" part, but here are a couple new things I made:

A hair band that combines a felt piece with crocheted ties.

A scarf!  I've made plenty of hats before, but scarves are new to me.

For both of these items, I applied skill that I already have to come up with something new - with a few trials and errors, but mostly careful planning.  I plan on making more hair bands and scarves and selling them at the next craft fair I'm doing with some pals on October 1st.  

Exciting news: my fabulous fiance bought me a membership to a local pottery studio!  I have a full month to make clay works again, starting on Tuesday.  I can't wait to get my hands dirty!  It is my dream to have a pottery studio of my own someday.  I haven't worked with clay in over 4 years, so I cannot wait to get back into the swing of things.  

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