Sunday, July 10, 2011

Always, sometimes, never

I like to inspire myself to think creatively with different exercises.  Also, I just enjoy taking a few minutes to think about myself, my habits and interests, and I found this "Always, sometimes, never" exercise on a blog I read, Dove Tree Design.  I thought it would be pretty fun to do for myself.  Here goes:

I always:

  • Dream.  Right now, mostly about a house, garden, studio space, and a simple life.
  • Drink water everyday.  
  • Spend a few hours a week thinking about better ways to organize and repurpose furniture and household items.
  • Enjoy looking at trees, I really like 'em.
  • Wish my curtains worked better than they do - pretty AND functional would be super:

I sometimes:
  • Like eating meringue.  It's a weird substance for me to consider.
  • Forget that I often talk and laugh loudly.  I think I have hearing damage from concerts and playing loud music in my car.
  • Stop to realize that my job is pretty great.
  • Hate cable television.  We have a small cable package and DVR, yet we don't get the channel with Gilmore Girls, Clean House, and right now there is a Harry Potter marathon I'm missing because we don't get that channel either.  We do, however, get two different channels that play Laverne and Shirley pretty often every week.  Still, I'm thinking of cancelling since it's pretty expensive and there are other options out there that are more customizable.
  • Think about moving to Canada.
  • Think about the best way to be a happy, mature, and capable grown up while remaining imaginative and keeping some of my childlike interests.
  • Don't know what color my hair is at any given moment.
  • Remember that we all have star dust in us and flip out because that is so cool (I love the song behind that link, check it out!)

I never:
  • Go the speed limit.  Always over or under, mostly over.
  • Adapt right away to new technology trends.  I just can't jump on board with the newfangled stuff until it's been out a while and the bugs are all worked out.  Even then, I'm usually wary.  I don't like how distracted so many people are these days with their gadgets.
  • Go more than a few days without balancing my checkbook.
  • Write enough down.  I used to journal, but gave it up a while ago and would like to get into the habit again.  I'm always forgetting things and am glad to have awesome friends and family to job my memory.
  • Eat meat.  Anymore.  I've been vegetarian for over a year now with one small exception, a bite of venison salami over the holidays from a deer my brother shot last fall.
  • Read every book I have checked out from the library.

Honestly, I've started reading at least 5 of those books and will hopefully get through at least 4 from the whole pile - and that's stretching it!

What's on your always/sometimes/never list?


  1. Thank you for flipping out that we are stardust too! I love it.

    I always like reading your blog :)

  2. Ahh, good! Science has really been blowing my mind these days. I'm glad you like my blog, too - I'm happy to have you as a reader. :-)
