Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Challenge #45: Create an image with masking tape or any other kind of tape, for that matter.  Try making it on a nontraditional surface.  Extra credit: Leave it for others to find.

My first thought was to create some kind of tape sculpture - an animal or building or something.  Then I looked around at different surfaces in the apartment and zoned in on the boring coffee table:

Regular, plain ol' table top.  Nothing much to see here, but it's usually covered with books and coasters and remotes and other crap.  Still, I decided to jazz it up with a little easy masking tape geometry:

BAM!  This table totally pops now!  So my sister roommate saw this later and I suggested to her that we paint in all the triangles.  She wasn't thrilled with the idea, so I will probably just leave the tape on the table and take a few pieces of it off every day until it's all plain again. 

I played with some editing tools and came up with a cool graphic image of the tape on the table, though:


  1. I see a coffee-table-covered-in-sweet-masking-tape-triangles and I want to paint it black.

  2. I definitely wanted to paint it! My sister was against it though, so I ended up peeling off the tape after a couple weeks. I like the idea though!
